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TranceHits.com • View topic - Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Reminiscance from an old trancehead

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Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Postby Nicoco » Fri May 25, 2012 11:27 am

It has been a looooong while before coming back to Trancehits. A forum that was once my homepage, a beam of light that educated me across the whole EDM spectrum and beyond, has now become a rune in a memory that struggles to remember the relevant stuff, although that rarely happens.

Last time I came here, I was messing around with different themes and colors, and the TH community was showing signals of faltering. I, as a humble member, was engulfed by a time-lapse of all the things that used to happen here, from trolling, to collaborating, to the endless debates and the long event reviews. It was a community that I managed to grow up in and much of my music foundation and maturity is owed to it.

This is post is nothing but a simple Thank you for all the efforts and dedication put up by the admins and moderators, and all the collaborations and energy that was flowing across members that were always the soul of the site. Now that each has gone his separate ways, i'd like to wish all of you the best in your endeavors, hoping the EDM flame in each would never falter nor fade. Stay trancing!!! \o/
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Re: Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Postby e-sam » Tue May 29, 2012 2:24 pm

Some of us are still hiding in the shadows checking the forum once in a while ;)

Glad to hear from you mate cheers!
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Re: Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Postby Qulture » Wed May 30, 2012 10:45 am

i check it on a daily basis to be honest ........ but rarely do i find anything new thats interesting like the good old days ..... :(
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Re: Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Postby e-sam » Thu May 31, 2012 9:50 am

Good old days indeed! How are you Qussay?
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Re: Reminiscance from an old trancehead

Postby Qulture » Thu May 31, 2012 11:21 am


I am fine sam , how are you doing ? Hope all is well ? I might be in Beirut next weekend for a friends wedding .... havent been to Beirut in 3 years ... so excited to come back !
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