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TranceHits.com • View topic - What are the things you Like/Hate about TH!

What are the things you Like/Hate about TH!

Any suggestions on how to improve TranceHits.com?
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Postby pTq » Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:43 pm

it was only admins/mods .. i was the "orange between the apples"
you give out a very nice and important idea .. but ... but ...but too many people can ruin a project and its better if its the admins and mods organizing this cuz its a TH event , and not an event done by members FOR TH ... dunno if im clear , get my point
it would be harder to organize an event with , lets say 10 people rather than 5 people ... i witnessed the chaotic moments the guys went through to be able to find time to meet and do the work when everyone of them has a , more or less , totally different schedule than the other ... so imagine what would happen when a group of 10 would have to meet ... esp when ideas/tastes clash!
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Postby Tala » Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:58 pm

^ but you know others are doing it.. why don't we?!
our forum is great.. but we arent' working on ground..
others are working more and consequently are having a better result..
pff dunno, i think there's something to be done here if we all unite
on some basic ideas. admin/mods of course are the ones responsible
for such an event, but they need help.. they can't do the job alone..
anyway best of luck TH!
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Postby pTq » Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:08 pm

others are doing it , yes your right .. but how big of a group are they ?
they are usually , usually a small group of people ( some maybe members , regardless of what forum , some admins some mods )
those groups of people that are doing it are doing that under their name ...
im guessing you want more TH events , not an annual event
more TH events then its the admins and mods decision to have one , organize one , and make it happen .. we as members can only ask for one , and support one and help them out whenever they do ask for help ..
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Postby Shy--Ism » Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:33 pm

The Music was New, black polished Chrome and came over the summer like liquid Night ...
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Postby 3aly » Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:49 pm

Mentioning where you downloaded the song?? HELL NO... some ppl here buy them.. and if not then keep it to you're self.. how would u think the producer feel when he checks out his track's review and there's a link to where he can get his track available online... :S

I saw we should keep the posts serious outside the lounge/fun sections.. but let's get all crazy and post non-quality posts in the Lounge section shall we :mrgreen:
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Postby Proof » Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:32 am

^ Well, we're not talking about illegal links to the files itself, we're talking about samples of the track that can be viewed from digital shops or labels. For example, audiojelly.com sends out digital promo's way before the actual release, and one could check out the samples there. If there is a place or download shop that holds samples of the track you're reviewing, please do cite them and make it more useful. That way, more members know where to get their stuff ... (the source of the sample).
- Rodrigo Mateo - Carbon Monoxide (Praveen Achary Remix) [Baires Records]
- Alter Breed - Blue White (Praveen Achary Remix) [Spherax Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Butterflies [Mirabilis Recordings]
- Praveen Achary - Pull My Legato [MakTub Music]
- Praveen Achary - Crossover (Incl remixes by Fiord, Manuel Sofia (MOS) & Tanseer) [MakTub Music]
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Postby SubZero88 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:48 am

Im having trouble quoting a certain sentence in a post...
and for example bolding a name i wrote it shows as [/B] or watever after i post it...
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Postby 3aly » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:15 pm

you enter the [] and write the word "quote" in between those two brackets

example [.quote] THIS IS AN EXAMPLE [./quote]

^now try that without the "." inbetween the brackets

If you wanna bold.. use the same technique but instead of "quote" type "B"
[.b] BOLDED WORD [./b] <- Again, without the "."
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Postby SubZero88 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:28 pm

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Postby samer » Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:35 pm

SubZero88 pls this topic is only about the things you like to comment on regarding the site.. if you got any problems/questions pls do post them in a new topic and pls pay more attention to topic titles before posting in any..

thank you!
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Postby Nicoco » Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:44 am

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Postby Deema » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:33 pm

Theres nthn i hate about it..its just that topics r turnn to chat zones between the members.
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Postby Genesis » Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:14 pm

No offence to anyone but I DESPISE the mainstream DJ worshipping
phenomena that's been sweeping the site. While I understand the passion
that each of us possess for a certain type and style of music, I'd rather if
we were more music oriented than DJ oriented.

Remember, music makes the DJ... not the other way round.
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Postby JAD » Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:33 pm

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Postby TranceFusion » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:37 am

Hmm... i like the blue theme 8) it's my favorite color......... :roll: i think someone mentioned it earlier, i think it would be better to have the tracklist next to the set we listen to in the jukebox :) as a new member at the beginning i tried the Chat section, and it tells me error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: q that would be nice to chat in a room 8) and the DalNet IRC channel is empty :? i dunno about u THerz but i stopped using IRC last year... found it too old-school :P but i dont mind joining again if TH.com is willing to reactivate the idea :wink:
Now it's not something that i don't like here, it's just that i cant understand :? why is it not allowed to post in the old topics? :?
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